Saturday, February 1, 2020

Surprise New Species!

August 20, 2019

After work today, I got a call from Bobby asking to go fish somewhere.  I met him at a local pond that often has carp patrolling the banks.  Although the sky and water were cloudy, I figured I had a shot.  After about 30 minutes of patrolling, we didn't see any carp.  I flipped my fly around for fun and ended up with a few nice bass, but nothing too nice.

After a short session here, Charles called me looking to go fishing somewhere.  I told him he was in luck.  Bobby and I packed up our stuff and met him at another pond for some bass fishing. 

There were few bass active.  I fished a blue boogle bug popper, a favorite of the shop owners, but none of us could find a bass.  I occupied myself with a few fat green sunfish I found bedded up in a corner of the pond.  Their mouths were just big enough to take the popper, and it's always fun to watch fish take on top.

We decided to move once more to another pond I haven't fished before.  Charles tells me there are big bass here.  We arrived close to dark and fished for only about 15 minutes before deciding to pack it up.  As I made my last five casts, I felt a weight on the line and strip set.  Whatever ate cleared the water a few times and I imagined was a nice 2 pound bass.  I pulled in a 14 inch shad instead.  I snapped a picture removed my crayfish jig fly from its oddly shaped lip.  An odd catch on the fly for sure, but a new one for the species list.  Then, we went and enjoyed burgers and shakes at Culver's.

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