After work today, I got a call from Bobby asking to go fish somewhere. I met him at a local pond that often has carp patrolling the banks. Although the sky and water were cloudy, I figured I had a shot. After about 30 minutes of patrolling, we didn't see any carp. I flipped my fly around for fun and ended up with a few nice bass, but nothing too nice.
After a short session here, Charles called me looking to go fishing somewhere. I told him he was in luck. Bobby and I packed up our stuff and met him at another pond for some bass fishing.
We decided to move once more to another pond I haven't fished before. Charles tells me there are big bass here. We arrived close to dark and fished for only about 15 minutes before deciding to pack it up. As I made my last five casts, I felt a weight on the line and strip set. Whatever ate cleared the water a few times and I imagined was a nice 2 pound bass. I pulled in a 14 inch shad instead. I snapped a picture removed my crayfish jig fly from its oddly shaped lip. An odd catch on the fly for sure, but a new one for the species list. Then, we went and enjoyed burgers and shakes at Culver's.