Charles and I planned our fishing for the morning today. After a lot of discussion, we planned to go to a pond with a few grass carp and tons of bluegill, but there were baseball games in the nearby fields, so we had to find new plans. We instead started fishing in a pond for carp. Upon arrival, we found a very muddy pond. Plumes of mud from tailing carp were everywhere. The only problem was, we couldn't see any fish. There was one massive grass carp in the middle of the pond, but we decided not to mess with it. We threw our carp flies at the bass, but only managed a few small ones.
We shortly left to go back to my main pond. Everything was out and about, but few bass wanted to look at our flies, especially after the fishing day yesterday.
We spent a little time messing around with the bluegill beds. They were still on fire, and we spent a bunch of time catching one after the other. What else are days off for? Charles and I killed time, caught multiple doubles, and daydreamed about a bag of deer jerky to enjoy while doing it. Maybe some other time.
We continued our quest for bass, but only combined for two or three bass on flies as well as the jigs Charles started throwing. We felt it was time for a throwback technique: live bluegill.
Only one problem: all the bluegill in the pond were too big. I remembered the bluegill in the carp pond were significantly smaller, so we went straight over there, fly rods in hand, to put a beat down on some bluegill. Charles carried a walmart grocery bag to put the fish in.
We caught a few of these mystery sunfish then released them. In the end, we had two bluegills in the right size range for bass bait. Just perfect. Although their spines kept poking holes in the plastic bag, we kept them mostly safe and well watered. After we got over to the main pond, Charles put one on a big bait hook on his 7' 3" heavy bass rod. I just continued having fun catching bluegills and missing the occasional baby bass on a san juan worm fly.
A few feet down from me, Charles hooked into his first bass. It was a very nice fish, probably over 4. We never weighed it, but it was one of the bigger bass we've caught recently. He ran to grab his last bluegill while I wrestled with more big slab sunfish on my 6 weight.
Charles camly walked over to the other side of the pond where he believed he saw a large fish earlier. He later told me he had sight fished, and how he was able to do this without making a sound is unbelievable to me, knowing the way he is. I know moments later I heard a yell that this fish was a monster and I had to come.
I was in the middle of a fight with another nice bull bluegill. Once I unhooked him, I ran to the other side of the pond to see the fish. Once I saw it, my jaw dropped. I may never see another bass this large this close to home again. Wow.
He finished up by releasing the big girl back into her home. These fish may still be prespawn, but we suspect this fish may be too old to spawn any more. Charles and I both looked at each other speechless. Almost immediately after, we heard thunder. We raced back to our gear, broke all our rods down, and sat in the car while it poured. Overall, an amazing day, and one I won't soon forget.
A quick thank you to all to all those soldiers who fought for our freedom and gave the ultimate sacrifice. This Memorial Day was well spent.